How Much Do Speed Bumps Cost
Written by webtechs

Speed Hump Vs Bump

Let’s take a detailed look at some of the similarities and differences between speed humps and speed bumps!

What Is A Speed Hump?

Sometimes referred to as road humps or undulations, speed humps are most often used for 10-15 mph speed zones. You will most likely find them on local streets or connector roads where traffic must flow smoothly without excessive speed endangering pedestrians. Playground and school zones typically utilize speed humps for traffic management.

Speed humps will create a gentle rocking sensation for vehicles passing over the structures. If the car is driving at an unsafe speed, the hump will jar the vehicle and its contents, causing a noticeable disruption. The humps will span the length of the lane they are placed in.

Speed humps come in various profiles and travel lengths. These factors ultimately influence the discomfort created in a speeding vehicle. Travel length will vary between 3-20 feet, generally. Any travel length longer than the vehicle can create an up-and-down motion instead of the usual rocking sensation. Speed humps are not suitable for arterial roads or emergency routes.

What Is A Speed Bump?

Speed bumps are classified as more aggressive traffic calming options as opposed to speed humps. The bumps are often used in places where pedestrians and cars share close spaces. Speed bumps generally slow traffic to 2-10 mph, which gives vehicles and pedestrians the necessary time to safely react.

Speed bumps are rarely used on public roads because they require a nearly complete stop to cross over them. The height of these bumps can be 2-4 inches total. Since these bumps are much smaller than the vehicles passing over, each axle will cross separately. This means a car moving at an excessive speed will receive two substantial jolts.

Like other more sedate siblings, speed bumps can be placed at intervals in order to maintain speed reduction. Speed bumps are known to deliver a shock and this is why they are referred to by several different names around the world.

Speed Hump Vs Speed Bump Differences

There are a few differences between speed humps and bumps. Let’s take a look at a couple things that set the two structures apart.


Speed bumps are typically higher yet shorter in width when compared to speed humps. This combination will make going over a speed bump a far more jarring experience for the occupants of a vehicle.

Speed Reduction

Speed bumps will reduce vehicle speeds by an average of 5-10 mph. Most cities will not allow speed bump installation on public streets. Speed humps, meanwhile, can reduce speeds by 15-20 mph. Humps are usually found on residential roads and in school zones.


Deciding between installing a speed bump or hump is important. The price of a bump or hump will depend on the design and condition of your community.

Although speed bumps can be costly, they do offer great valuable and durability to neighborhoods. Let’s take a look at a few benefits of speed bump installations.

Great Return on Investment

Typically, speed bumps do offer excellent value for communities looking to slow traffic speeds nearby. Furthermore, repairing these bumps over the years will not cost a lot of money.


The speed bumps size and design must be suited to the conditions of specific roads in order to get the best results possible. While rubber and metal speed bumps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, they are not as durable as asphalt.

Accident Reduction

By requiring drivers to slow down while driving, these speed bumps can ultimately reduce road mishaps. More importantly, they are quite efficient at reducing accidents involving pedestrians. Speed bumps are a great solution for traffic control on a daily basis.

Black & Gray Asphalt Co. In Phoenix, Arizona

Doing business in the Valley since 1981 with one owner, Black & Gray Asphalt Co. has built an unmatched reputation for reliability, service, and quality workmanship. Our customers will tell you they come to Black & Gray Asphalt Co. because, no matter what the project’s size or complexity, we can do the job from start to finish.

We offer complete Residential & Commercial Concrete and Asphalt Maintenance Programs. Contact us today for all your sealcoating, stripping, signage, paving, asphalt patching, speed bump, speed hump, and concrete needs today!

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